Eine Einführung in das Konzept der ganzheitlichen Persönlichkeitsentwicklung durch den Weg des Kriegers
Persönlichkeitsentwicklung ist das bewusste streben nach persönlichem Wachstum durch die Verbesserung der Gesundheit und der körperlichen Leistungsfähigkeit, der Förderung der eigenen Fertigkeiten und der Erweiterung seines Wissens und seiner Selbsterkenntnis
Dies beinhaltet Aktivitäten die das Bewusstsein und die eigene Identität erweitern, Talente und Potentiale entwickeln, die Lebensqualität verbessern und zur Umsetzung von Träumen und Zielen beitragen. Dieser Prozess zieht sich durch das gesamte Leben. Man analysiert seinen Ist-Zustand, wird sich klar darüber was man im Leben erreichen will, setzt sich klare Ziele und macht sich auf den WEG um diese Ziele zu erreichen und sein Potential voll zu entwicklen.
Der Krieger unterscheidet sich in seiner Herangehensweise dadurch, dass er sich absichtlich in schwierige Situationen begibt um durch das bestehen dieser Herausforderungen zu wachsen.
Andere Menschen bei ihrer Entwicklung zu unterstützen durch Rollen wie die des Vaters, Lehrers oder Mentors ist ein Teil dieses Weges.
A holistic concept
Aristotle developed the idea that “the whole is more than the sum of its parts”. Recent advances in theoretical physics suggest that ancient theories are correct and everything in the universe is indeed connected. Holistic personal development integrates Body, Mind and Spirit and harmonizes the person with the flow of the universe (Tao/Dao/Do).
THE WAY (Tao/Dao/Do) is always present and covers everything within the world, like an underlying pattern, or blueprint of the universe. If you act in accordance with THE WAY you will be successful in life. However, within THE WAY are many paths that one can choose to walk on, in order to reach the same destination. Each way gives you certain guidelines to follow, to help you to stay on the path and develop yourself in the right direction. One of those ways is the Way of the Warrior.
The Way of the Warrior – a way for every man
A man’s prime directive, is to protect his family and his tribe. This is a non-negotiable responsibility which Nature has embedded into every man’s genetic code. Unfortunately, these days most men have been reconditioned to think that it’s ok to shift this responsibility to specialized units like the police, the military, fire and emergency medical services. These men don’t realize, that none of those will be there at the moment an incident happens to you or your family, they will only come to pick up the pieces after the damage has been done. Subconciously though, they feel something is missing. Even though they may be financially successful, have a great circle of friends and a loving family life, they feel an emptiness inside. This can even lead to anxiety and depression. Many try to fill that void with risky hobbies not realizing that what is missing is their connection to the warrior archetype. They miss not being around other, similar minded men working on improving their capabilities as a protector.
The Way of the Warrior – the only way for professionals in the field
If you have found your calling and choose a profession that is directly related to conflict, there really is no other choice than to immerse yourself into the teachings of the Way of the Warrior.